Request a Prayer
Let us pray for you!
Do you have a particular need or a loved one that you would like to entrust to the care of Mary, the Mother of God?
Whether in person or online, you may unite yourself to us in prayer by allowing the priests of the National Shrine to pray for you. In doing so, you will be joining thousands of other pilgrims who pray for the healing or conversion of a loved one, pray for the repose of the souls of the deceased, and entrust their hopes and sorrows to Our Lady.
Prayer requests are kept confidential and are placed in secure prayer boxes near the altar in the Crypt Church to be prayed for during each of the Shrine daily Masses.
Submit your prayer request by completing the following information.
By clicking submit, your prayer requests are received at the National Shrine, and will be remembered in our daily Masses and devotions through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary. May God bless you and Mary keep you.